Donating is the only way we can help serve these children and young adults living in Foster Care. Whether you choose to donate in honor of the founder of this organization, Kathryn A. Basile that helps to assist in getting those things that are not a priority in Foster Care such as laptops for H.S. students, prom dresses and tuxes, class rings, etc. All the things that are basically a right of passage that most of us take for granted, sadly is not something these kids can have without our help.
If you choose to donate in honor of our very dear friend, Michael Caso, the Michael Caso Scholarship Program donations will go directly to young women and men entering the work force after High School who will follow in Michael's footsteps to become highly trained, licensed Electricians. These students will receive text books, tools of the trade and classes at the Ben Franklin Institute in Boston, Mass.


Foster a Dream renewed for another year 2020
More local youth in foster care are graduating high school and heading to college – and the Kathryn A. Basile Foster a Dream Foundation is helping to make those academic dreams come true.
The foundation – established in 2010 to help meet the unfunded needs of youth aging out of foster care – awarded Communities Connected for Kids $10,000 late last year to help youth pay for high-school graduation expenses, college campus visits and other costs associated with making the transition into independence.
A record 30 youth in foster care attended college last year, said Christina Kaiser, community relations director for CCKids.
The number of foster youth who graduated high school last year, though not as robust as college entry levels, also was strong at 14. That number holds steady from 2018 but represents a slight decreased from 2017, which was an all-time high for local teens graduating high school.
“It’s a small number, but important,” Kaiser said. “It’s a barometer of our system’s overall health and a credit to partners like the Foster a Dream Foundation that help create a stable environment for young people transitioning out of foster care.”
The foundation helps them meet expenses that ordinarily would be handled by family. That helps normalize the foster-care experience, she said.
Since it was created in 2010 in memory of child advocate Kathryn A. Basile, Foster a Dream has contributed more than $70,000 and helped 134 teenagers and young adults in foster care.
To learn more about Communities Connected for Kids, visit www.cckids.net or go to www.fosteradreamfoundation.org.

Kathryn A. Basile Founder
Kathryn A. Basile Foster A Dream Foundation
Contact Us:
Email: Kabfoundation1@gmail.com
Mail Donations to:
P.O. Box 7338
Port St. Lucie, FL 34958