Michael Caso

2024 Update: Kathy’s Foundation established the Michael Caso Scholarship Program in 2016.
Michael was an outstanding electrician as some of you are already well aware, so we
felt it only appropriate to establish this scholarship in his name to provide financial
support to young adults who will follow his career path and become electricians.
The Foundation has worked closely with the Benjamin Franklin Cummings Institute of
Technology of Boston, MA to assist in the purchase of required text books and
electrician tool kits for low-income students.
We are proud to announce that over the years we have helped dozens of aspiring
young electrical students with grants of approximately $85,000.
Kathy’s foundation has spread its wings by adding the Michael Caso Scholarship Program working closely with the Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology in Boston. Last year we mentioned that we were working on this program in our News Section. A contribution of $10,000 was given from the Foster A Dream Foundation to establish the scholarship in memory of our very dear friend Michael.
We are proud to announce that we have already assisted nine scholarship recipients who each received $1,100.00 and we plan to offer at least 10 scholarships each year! As you know, our focus has mainly been on those living in foster care. However, we can also reach out to so many living in low-income families that restrict kids from ever reaching their goals. Michael was an outstanding electrician as some of you are already well aware, so we felt it only appropriate to establish this scholarship in his name to help these teens/young adults follow his career path.
The scholarship will cover the cost of the necessary textbook and quality tools of the trade which will be used throughout their career as electricians. The cost for these necessities is $1,100.00 which can clearly present itself as a major burden or road block for disadvantaged students. The Benjamin Franklin Institute reports that 2/3 of their students come from low-income families which makes the need truly great.
One of our first special recipients wrote a thank you letter which you will see on this page for you to read.
We all miss Michael more than we can ever express but reading letters such as this and generous people like yourself keep him in the forefront of our minds every day right along with our sister Kathy. Two great people continuing to do great things!
Thank you for your continued support to the Foundation and to our new scholarship program in Michael’s honor.